Employment Based First Preference (EB-1)
EB-1 is Suitable For:
- Foreign nationals who have received national or international acclaim for outstanding achievements in Arts, Sciences, Education, Business or Athletics
- Outstanding professors and researchers who have at least three years experience in teaching or research in their field and received international recognition for their work
- Executives of multinational companies managing an organization or a major function or division of an organization
- Managers of multinational companies supervising the work of other supervisory, professional or managerial employees
- Managers who manage an essential function, department or subdivision
- Multinational companies to sponsor the Green Card application for their executives and managers
- U.S. Universities to sponsor the Green Card application for foreign national professors and researchers with outstanding abilities
- Immediate family members of EB-1 Green Card applicants
Employment Based Second Preference (EB-2)
EB-2 is Suitable For:
- Foreign professionals with an advanced university degrees (masters degree or higher) and with a job offer from a U.S. company
- Foreign nationals with exceptional ability in the sciences, business or arts and with a job offer from a U.S. company
- U.S. companies to sponsor the Green Card application for foreign professionals holding advanced university degrees, or persons with exceptional ability in the sciences, business, or arts
- Universities to sponsor the Green Card application for foreign national professors and researchers of exceptional ability
- Immediate family members of EB-2 Green Card applicants
Employment Based Third Preference (EB-3)
EB-3 is Suitable For:
- Professionals with a U.S. bachelor’s or foreign equivalent degree and with a job offer from a U.S. company
- Skilled workers with at least two years of training or experience and with a job offer from a U.S. company
- Unskilled workers with less than two years training or experience and with a job offer from a U.S. company
- U.S. companies to sponsor the Green Card application for professional, skilled or unskilled foreign nationals
- Immediate family members of EB-3 Green Card applicants
Employment Based Fifth Preference (EB-5)
Permanent Residence through Investment. EB-5 Category is Suitable For:
- Foreign entrepreneurs who invest $500,000 in a commercial enterprise in a targeted employment area that will benefit the U.S. economy and create at least 10 full-time U.S. jobs
- Foreign entrepreneurs who invest $1,000,000 in a commercial enterprise that will benefit the U.S. economy and create at least 10 full-time U.S. jobs
- Immediate family members of EB-5 foreign entrepreneur visa applicants
The Immigration Act of 1990 created the Immigration Investor Program (or EB-5) as the fifth preference category for employment-based immigration applications. This was the first time a category specifically facilitated the admission of investors as lawful permanent residents and currently remains the only such category to do so. EB-5 is available to those individuals who have invested, or are in the process of investing at least $1 million in a commercial enterprise employing at least 10 full-time U.S. workers. Individuals who invest in a targeted employment area only need to invest a minimum of $500,000.
The purpose of the EB-5 is to stimulate job-creating investment by offering immigrants the benefits of permanent residency in the United States.
Approximately 10,000 visa numbers are allocated annually to EB-5 investors.
Green Card Renewal / Replacement
Replace or Renew Green Card is Suitable For:
- Permanent Residents who were issued a Green Card valid for ten years, and that card has either expired or will expire within the next six months
- Permanent Residents whose previous card was lost, stolen, mutilated, or destroyed
- Foreign nationals who have never received the previous Green Card that was issued by the USCIS
- Permanent Residents who were issued Green Cards before 14 years of age and have reached their 14th birthday
- Permanent Residents who have been commuters and are now taking up actual residence in the U.S.
- Permanent Residents residing in the U.S. and are now taking up commuter status
- Permanent Residents whose Green Cards contain incorrect data
- Permanent Residents whose name or other biographic information on the card has been legally changed since receiving the card last time
- Foreign nationals whose status has been automatically converted to permanent resident status (including special agricultural workers)
- Permanent Residents with previous versions of Green Card ( Example: USCIS Form AR-3, Form AR-103, or Form I-151) to replace it with the current permanent resident card
Removal of Conditions On Residence
Removal of Conditions is suitable for conditional permanent residents who obtained such status through marriage, to remove the conditions on their residence, including:
- Permanent residents who are still married to the same U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident
- Widow or widower of a marriage that was entered into in good faith
- Permanent residents who entered into a marriage in good faith where the marriage was ended through divorce or annulment
- Permanent residents who entered into a marriage in good faith, but either the spouse or the child were battered or subjected to extreme hardship by the U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident spouse
Re-Entry Permits / Refugee Travel Documents
Reentry Permit is Suitable For:
- Lawful permanent residents or conditional permanent residents who wish to remain outside the United States for more than one year
- Lawful Permanent Residents who want to travel outside the United States, but cannot get a passport from their country of nationality